
My Story

For years, I knew that I was called, but I wasn’t sure what I was called to and I had no idea what my purpose was. There was, however, one thing I did know: I didn’t want to waste my life pursuing the world’s expectations and standards for me. I knew I wanted to live a life aligned with God’s purpose and plan for me. So right after college graduation, I went on a self-discovery where I uncovered my purpose.

What I've found? Purpose isn’t lost. Purpose is already inside of you. It’s in your heartbeat and the heartbeat of your organization, and it’s the foundation of everything you do. The problem is if you don’t know it, you can’t live from it.

The truth is 85% of people worldwide hate their jobs and are disengaged with their work. According to the latest Gallup report on the global workplace, employees want to feel like they are valued and that their gifts and talents are being used but unfortunately, no one ever bothers to ask. They want to feel like they are working towards a purpose, but most people don’t even know what their own purpose is, let alone the organization’s. This disconnect leads to decreased motivation, commitment, and productivity in the lives of the employees, as well as the organization.

“85% of people worldwide hate their jobs and are disengaged with their work.”

— Gallup, State of the Global Workplace Report

But work wasn’t designed to be this way. Ecclesiastes 2:24 tells us that there is nothing better than to eat, drink, and enjoy your work. That is why it’s my personal mission to restore God’s design and intention for work by helping people and organizations reimagine and redesign the way they do life and work by creating environments, entries, and experiences for them to live and work with more meaning, purpose, and intention

Currently, I am carrying out this mission as an Industrial-Organizational Psychologist and Executive and Leadership Coach, working with organizations and individuals alike to infuse more meaning and purpose into their lives, work, and workplaces. Click the button below to learn more about my work.

I believe…  

  • That purpose can be discovered and live out now. You don’t have to put it off until later. You can choose to live a purposeful, successful, and fulfilling life right now.

  • That success is more about stewardship that accumulating all the things. I’m after eternal rewards and recognition.

  • That you can curate a successful career that highlights your design, infuses your passion, utilizes your preparation, and spurs you on in your calling.

  • That it is possible to live a fun, amazing, life that is in alignment with God plan and also simultaneously fulfills your greatest desires.

  • That life is well spent when it is lived fully in submission and surrender to God’s plan and purposes.