Fearfully Fashioned News and Updates

Fearfully Fashioned News & Updates | Fearfully Fashioned

I hope you all are having a fantastic week! I have some major news for you all. If you were on my webinar with me last Saturday or you are on my email list you already know about my wonderful surprises. I wanted to share with you all the new things I have created for Fearfully Fashioned.


1) My workbooks. I’ve taken the time to create 3 different workbooks, Glow Get It, Developing Discipline, and Tailor Your Time, to assist you all in your goal planning, discipline, and time management. If you want to invest in yourself but you aren’t ready to begin coaching, this is a great affordable option to give you a jumpstart. Each workbook is $9.99 so there’s no excuse why you can’t begin creating the life you want. Click here to make a purchase


2) Fearfully Fashioned has a book club! I’ve always wanted to do a book club. I have participated in a few in the past, but they were all short-lived and didn’t serve a great purpose in my life. The book club is not only meant to build community and accountability but to provide resources for us as we go on our personal development journey. The books will be based around self-help, faith, and personal growth. The first book we will be reading is Make It Happen by Lara Casey. The book is especially for those of us who are chasing perfection instead of purpose. Make It Happen has great lessons and journaling prompts that will help you to “surrender your fear, take the leap, and live on purpose.” It can be purchased at laracasey.com or Amazon. The first meeting will take place on February 25th at 7:30pm on Periscope, and we will be going over Chapters 1-6. I will be sending out more details including my Periscope information closer to the day. We will be meeting the last Thursday of every month so make sure that you mark your calendars. 


I’m so excited for our community! We are going to continue to connect, grow, and do amazing things in 2016. If you’re not already make sure that you subscribe to the newsletter. I send out exclusive updates and encouragement weekly, plus you will receive a free gift when you subscribe.


How to Keep Going When the Going Gets Tough


The Foundations of Goal Setting