How to Navigate Life As A Multi-Passionate Woman

How to Navigate Life As A Multi-Passionate Woman | Fearfully Fashioned -- Are you a multi-passionate woman finding a hard time time choosing what to focus on? In this blog post I discuss what it means to be multi-passionate and how you can live out …

Are you a woman who is overflowing with dreams and ideas? Do you have a hard time choosing a degree or major just because you want to do it all? Or maybe you're the person who has always had a hard time committing to a single career or hobby? If you found yourself answering yes to any of these questions, chances are you are multi-passionate. 


A multi-passionate person is someone who feels called to many passions, hobbies, careers, and majors, and hates the idea of committing to only one thing. Someone who has multiple passions probably: 

  • looks forward to chasing new opportunities. 
  • gives up on her passions because she can't combine them all together.
  • is described as being flighty (a.k.a. scatterbrained or unfocused). 
  • enjoys working on several projects at once. 
  • has a hard time choosing a career or major.
  • has many dreams but has trouble following through with them.


Many people think that being multi-passionate is a bad thing, but in actuality it's perfectly normal. Passions evolve over time. I'm sure that we're not chasing after all of things that interested us when we were younger. Age, experience, and life circumstances can shape and affect our passions at any moment. So, it's not about picking and choosing one passion over another but finding ways to honor all of your passions in the present moment. Here are five helpful tips for the multi-passionate woman. 


"Learn how to navigate life as a multi-passionate woman."




Pray for guidance.

Prayer always brings clarity. If you're unsure which passion to pursue, ask the Holy Spirit to direct your path. Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to trust in the Lord and to not lean on our own understanding. That is when He will guide and direct your path. Let Him know what's on your heart and He will make the way clear.


Write the vision.

It wasn't until recently that God stressed the importance of writing down the visions that He gives me. Write down what He's given you a passion for. Doing this allows you to save any ideas that you may not be able to work on in this current season.

How to Navigate Life As A Multi-Passionate Woman | Fearfully Fashioned -- Are you a multi-passionate woman finding a hard time time choosing what to focus on? In this blog post I discuss what it means to be multi-passionate and how you can live out …


Learn the art of commitment.

There's nothing wrong with having several interests, but it's nearly impossible to accomplish anything when you lack commitment. Commitment means that you have already taken the time to count the costs and have decided that regardless of what happens, you are all in. You can't keep running to the next thing just because it seems difficult or appears to not be working out. Commitment gives you permission to take chances on yourself and your passions. 



"Commitment gives you permission to take chances on yourself & your passions."




Pick a passion to "major" and "minor" in. 

At the end of the day, energy flows where focus goes. Confucius also reminds us of this with his infamous quote -- "He who chases two rabbits catches none." Now, I'm not saying you can't pursue multiple passions at once, but I would recommend choosing one you can "major" in and another to "minor" in. For example, if blogging is a huge passion of yours but you also enjoy painting, put most of your energy into blogging and reserve painting for your weekends and/or downtime. 

How to Navigate Life As A Multi-Passionate Woman | Fearfully Fashioned -- Are you a multi-passionate woman finding a hard time time choosing what to focus on? In this blog post I discuss what it means to be multi-passionate and how you can live out …


Pursue your passions part-time.

If you still have passions you would like to pursue after you've taken the time to major and minor in a few, consider finding a part-time job or volunteer position that incorporates your passion. For example, if you've chosen blogging as your major with a minor in painting but you still have a passion for helping women, volunteer with a local women's shelter part-time so you can fuel that passion too. 


Just because you're multi-passionate doesn't mean you have to put yourself into a box. There is no reason why you can't pursue multiple interests. In fact, note if you have any passions that are similar that you can combine into one career or hobby. If you find yourself struggling to figure out how you can piece your passions together, I've created a free worksheet to help you figure out how you can pursue what you love. Click the button below to download your free worksheet. (Please Note: If you're on my email list, this download is available in the Resource Closet.)**


What are you passionate about? Let me know in the comments below.





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Alexa Gabrielle is #FearfullyFashioned