Your Purposeful Year

A 2-part Group Coaching & Masterclass Series Created to Help You Design your year with vision, purpose, & intention .

 Are you tired of getting to the end of every year with little to nothing to show for your goals?

A new calendar year tends to spark a sense of passion and urgency in you. With intense passion, you fire up your notes app, grab your planner, and start mapping out your takeover plan for the year, convincing yourself that this year of all years will finally be different. You’ll finally stick to your gym routine. You’ll finally start that business. You’ll finally spend consistency time in the Word. You’ll finally step into what God is calling you to do. After all you have 12 months to develop into a better version of you, right?

You’re pumped up and ready to give it your all in January but by February, the novelty of the New Year starts to wear off. Spring comes reminding you to refresh and reinvigorate yourself so you can renew your focus. But by the time summer comes, you’re so overwhelmed and in over your head that you welcome the much needed break that the warm months offer. So when fall rolls around, you’ve determined that you’re going to finally get it together and end the year strong only to be distracted by the busyness that comes with the holiday and winter season. Before you know it, you’ve successfully watched another calendar year go by leaving the same goals uncompleted and unattended and you’re left feeling more behind and off track than the year before.


 Hi, my name is Janelle Alexandra,

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and I know exactly how you feel because that’s exactly how my clients feel before my clients start working with me — passive and purposeless. Over the last four years of coaching women one-on-one, I’ve found a flaw in traditional goal-setting.

The problem with traditional goal-setting

is that most S.M.A.R.T goals are rooted in lack, not purpose. And you know what lack leads to? Striving. Striving for results. Striving for accomplishment. Striving for validation.

The truth is New Year’s goals and resolutions actually have a hard time actually sticking. In fact 80% of us fail to make it to the second week of February before going back to olds habits and ways of thinking. Why? Because traditional goal-setting focuses on behavior and results, rather than purpose.

The truth is, not every goal is meant for you to pursue or even aligned with God’s plan for you. You must set goals that are rooted in your purpose and life’s vision. It’s your why that will ground you in everything you do and remind you of why you started when the going gets tough.

That’s why I’ve designed the Your Purposeful Year Group Coaching & Masterclass Series: to help you design an intentional, purposeful year and achieve your God-given goals.

 Session 1: Reflect & Connect

Your past informs your present and your present predicts your future. The first part of this Group Coaching & Masterclass series is designed to help you reflect on the past year and connect with where you are now to determine how you want to move forward in the year ahead. In this session we will:

  • Conduct a Well-Lived Life Evaluation

  • Identify Your Challenges

  • Review Key Lessons Learned

  • Highlight Areas for Personal & Spiritual Growth

  • Address Your Insecurities & Fears

  • Break Strongholds & Declare Victory Over the New Year

Session 2: Cast the Vision & Set Purpose-Driven Goals

Vision gives you direction and goals give you focus. Before you just set any goals, determine your direction and set goals that align with God’s purpose, calling, and vision for your life. In this session we will:

  • Cast the Vision for the Year Ahead

  • Declare Your Word of the Year

  • Identify the Passions that Fuel You Forward

  • Set Purpose-Driven Goals

  • Create & Cultivate Effective Habits

  • Create a Kick-Start Action Plan

  • Appoint Accountability to Stay On Track


The Details

Your Purposeful Year is a 2-part Group Coaching & Masterclass Series. We will meet in January via Zoom on the following dates and times:

  • Session 1: Reflect & Connect — Saturday, January 4th at 11:00 am EST

  • Session 2: Cast the Vision & Set Purpose-Driven Goals — Saturday, January 11th at 11:00 am EST

What’s Included

  • Two Weekly Coaching Sessions & Masterclasses

  • A Masterclass Workbook & Homework to Keep You Growing Between Sessions

  • A Kick-Start Action Plan

  • An Accountability Group

  • A 30-minute Private Coaching Follow Up in March to Ensure Your Progress & Success

How It Works

The Your Purposeful Year Program & Masterclasses series is filled by private selection and kept intimate to protect the group experience, as well to ensure each woman gets the attention and clarity she needs to uncover and understand her purpose. Therefore, groups are formed by application and are filled on a first come, first served basis. Click the button below to fill out the application and register for your spot.

Hear What Life Designers Have to Say

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Before I had started working with Janelle, I had a feeling there was something more to my life. I was just missing it. I’ve never worked with a coach before and had no idea what to expect. However, I was ready for the experience and life changes that would come with it. The biggest change I’ve noticed from working with Janelle is that my confidence has skyrocketed, my relationship with God has deepened, and I have clarity in my purpose and calling like never before. Before working with her I was a “life cruiser” but now I have the motivation to pursue what God is calling me to.
— AJ James

Your Tuition

Your Purposeful Year Bundle : $120 (early bird rate)

Receive a 10% discount when you register for both sessions

Session 1: Reflect & Connect Individual session : $67 (Early Bird rate)

Early Bird Rate expires December 31st

SEssion 2: Cast the Vision & Set Purpose-Driven Goals : $67 (Early Bird Rate)

Early Bird Rate expires December 31st