5 Apps You Need For Better Money Management

5 Apps You Need For Better Money Management | Want to learn how to better manage and streamline your finances? Click this pin or save it for later to discover 5 apps to help you better manage your money.

When I’m not hating that time of the month (you ladies know what I’m talking about), the rest of my hatred is usually reserved for the time when my bill statements arrive in my inbox. I don’t know about anyone else, but typically my bills all come during the same time of the month, during the first two weeks. Since I’m pretty good at managing my money, it’s not so much of a stressful time, but who loves to see money leaving their wallet?


When I graduated a few years ago, my introduction into budgeting and money management was a sore spot for me. That was the only thing about being an adult that I wasn't looking forward to. It wasn’t until I found these money management apps that I was able to swallow the idea of forking over cash each month. From organization, school, blogging, and bible studying, apps streamline my processes for me. When you’re a freshly minted, independent adult establishing your finances and building your credit, the process can be overwhelming. It becomes a lot less stressful when you can automate your savings and cashflow. Use these five money management apps to help you streamline your finances. 



"5 Apps to Help You Better Manage & Streamline Your Finances"





Mint is pretty much like a check and balances system for your finances.  It’s a one and done budgeting app with all your accounts, cards, investments, and bill reminders in one place. Not only will Mint set a budget for you based on your current spending habits, it also provides you with a free, updated credit score. You can even get on top of your saving goals by setting and tracking them inside of the app. I personally love Mint because they allow you to customize your budget and will then send you a weekly review to make sure that you are staying on track.


Mint Bills

Mint Bills is the sister app to Mint. This app allows you to set up reminders and pay your bills in one central location. You just set it up once and Mint stays on top of your due dates, so you're never hit with late or overdraft fees again. You don't have to worry about logging into each individual company or waiting on call holds to pay your bills. Just set it up once and quickly tap and pay each time. I love how I can pay my bills in one central location, and the best part about it is that Mint tracks all your payment history and tucks your payment confirmations into an online filing system. I never have to worry about missing a payment with Mint Bills.


Credit Karma

Since I am new to credit, I like to use Credit Karma to keep track, monitor, and build my credit. With Credit Karma you receive free weekly credit scores & reports from Transunion and Equifax. If you're new to credit, like myself, or looking to reestablish yours, Credit Karma also provides personalized recommendations and tips on how you can improve your credit score. You don't have to worry about your credit score lowering from checking the app. It's Credit Karma's goal to help you better monitor and reach your financial goals. 




Digit is a FDIC automated saving accounts. It's 100% free with no minimums or fees so that you can enjoy unlimited withdraws and transfers. Connect your checking account to Digit and every couple of days it will analyze your income and spending to set aside money for you. You don't have to worry about overdraft fees. Digit actually keeps a no-over draft guarantee by only saving for you what you can afford. It's saving that is smart and automated. 




My last few years at Howard, Venmo was a godsend. It's a free digital wallet service by PayPal that you can use to make and receive payments from your friends. Use the service to pay back or get money from your friends for dining dollars, a uber, or even rent. The app definitely came in handy when my friends and I had spring breaked in Miami during senior year. You can even spice up your requests with specialized messages and emojis to remember the experiences you may or may not want to forget. 



Somehow, these money management apps have been able to turn a tedious, monthly responsibility into a surprisingly effortless, nifty task. Download these apps to help you better manage and streamline your finances. 


Do you use any of these apps? Let me know your experience with them in the comments below.



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