How to Launch & Blog Your God-Given Vision

How to Launch & Blog Your God-Given Vision | Fearfully Fashioned -- Want to launch a faith-based blog, business, ministry, or organization? Learn how to write, cast, steward, prep, launch, & blog your God-given vision. Click to read now or pin to sa…

Has there been something that God has imprinted on your heart that you can’t shake? Do you have a burden to get a message across and to see a certain type of people flourish? That burden is your God-given vision.


I’ve always had a burden for women and a passion for personal and spiritual growth and development. Later on in life, I found out that burden was my purpose. God revealed to me that my purpose is to inspire and motivate women to live their best lives while instilling them with the confidence to do so. My purpose is what inspired me to start Fearfully Fashioned. I knew that God had called me to spread His message of how women can fashion their lives according to His will, but I was a little caught up with the logistics of it all. Exactly how was this vision going to manifest itself?


At the time, I thought it was going to look like me blogging about fashion but that passion died over time, and I realized I wanted to resonate with women on a deeper level. But besides the topic at hand, a bigger problem was plaguing my mind. I was going through a battle. A part of me believed that I didn’t have the time, money, or resources to make this vision happen. And on top of that, I was in a season of discontentment where I was comparing my blog and purpose to everyone else’s. Those feelings of comparison and inadequacy kept me from working on my blog for two years. In order to get free from that, I had to renew my mind and decide that I was going to fashion my life and pursue God’s calling whatever the costs.


For starters, I had to overcome that season of comparison. God taught me that in order to move forward, I had to renew my mind and focus on the work that He set aside for me to do. He led me to Galatians 6:4 which says, “Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t have to compare yourself to anyone else.” That verse became my heart’s song, my work anthem. It made me stop feeling sorry for myself and gave me the motivation to do the work necessary to start creating the life I wanted to live. From there, I was able to count the costs and begin the work to re-launch my God-given vision.


When you’re looking to launch your God-given vision, you must count the costs and realize that it’s a process. When you understand the fundamentals of the process, you will be able to write, cast, steward, prep, launch, blog, and maintain, and sustain your God-given vision.


How to Launch & Blog Your God-Given Vision: 

1) Renew Your Mindset

In order to truly believe you can launch this God-given vision, it starts with your mind. What do you believe about what God has called you to do? Do you believe that you are inadequate? Do you believe that you don’t have the money, tools, or resources to make it happen? Are you letting fear and overwhelm keep you from taking the first steps? Until you can overcome these debilitating mindsets, you will never be able to work on let alone launch your God-given dream. These thoughts are sabotaging you. Your mindset serves as the foundation of all you do when it comes to launching a blog and business. You must renew your mindset and decided that you’re going to push past the negative feelings and thoughts to manifest a positive and growth mindset. What you think about your God-given vision will largely affect how you will work toward it.


2) Understand the Phases of Vision

Where most people go wrong is that they think because God has given them a vision, that it’s magically going to manifest overnight. You must understand that birthing a vision is a process, and that process happens in stages or phases. In the imagination or ideation phase, that’s when the vision is being conceptualized and you can have so much passion and motivation to work on your vision. But what happens when you’re in the frustration phase and you’re not seeing the progress that you thought you would be seeing? It’s important that you understand the exact phases you will go through while birthing your vision.


3) Cast Your Vision

In order to effectively cast your vision, you must write it down and make it plain. Identify the purpose of your vision and who the vision is for. How will this vision contribute to bettering God’s Kingdom? What are your goals for the vision? What is the plan for executing these goals? God serves as our CEO, but the Holy Spirit will always partner with you to help you visioneer this God-given dream.


4) Steward Your Vision

It’s important that you understand that your vision won’t be maintained or sustained until you learn how to properly steward it. Before you even begin working on the vision, ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to steward it. The first step to stewarding your God-given vision is to count the costs. Before the disciples decided to follow Jesus, Jesus asked them to count the costs involved. “And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the costs.” (Luke 14:27-28 NKJV) Before you start working on your God-given vision you must count the costs and decide if you’re willing to embrace all that comes with it. A large part of counting the costs not only involves understanding the phases of vision, but also taking the time to develop and learn the discipline, organization, and time-management that is necessary to launch your vision. Without understanding and counting these costs, your vision will remain a dream, so it’s important to learn how to steward your vision well.


5) Prep the Provisions

Your vision will stay a plan until you take the steps to execute it. Take the time to actually prepare the provisions needed to launch your God-given vision. What tools, systems, or resources will be needed to launch it? Do you need to put together a team that will help you execute your God-given vision? This is the time where you want to put action steps to your plan by putting together the right tools, systems, and strategies to launch your vision.


6) Launch Your God-Given Vision

Once you have successfully renewed your mindset and went through the necessary steps to cast, steward, and prep your vision, it’s now time launch it. Here is where you see the vision come to fruition. Take the time to celebrate and reflect on all that God has done. While you look back to the past, it’s as equally important to look toward the future and start brainstorming innovative ways you will continue to maintain and sustain your vision.


The best blueprint to launching any God-given vision is given to us in Habakkuk 2:2-3:

“Then the Lord answered me and said: ‘Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, it will not tarry.”

If God has placed a vision on your heart, it’s important that you seek Him out to see that vision come to fruition. He has given you the vision, but it’s up to you to take action. Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t happen on your own time. Trust that if God has given it to you, He will be faithful to make it happen according to His perfect timing. You just have to write, cast, steward, prep, launch, and blog your vision. I’ve designed a Vision PinkPrint for you to launch your God-given dream whether that be a blog, business, ministry, or organization. Click the button below to download your Vision PinkPrint. 

Want to learn more about how you can Blog the Vision that God has placed on your heart? Click here to learn more.

If you want to hear more of how my renewed mindset led to the re-birth and re-launch of Fearfully Fashioned, you can hear my story on the She Did It Her Way Podcast.

Do you have any questions on launching or blogging your God-given vision? Leave them for me in the comments below!


God Honors Initiative


How to Stay Focused During the Suffering & Waiting