May 2017 Goals

May 2017 Goals | Fearfully Fashioned -- Each month I share my intentional, good goals that I've created with my PowerSheets. See how I'm fashioning my life this month. Click to read now or pin to save for later. #goalsetting #PowerSheets #FearfullyF…

I can’t believe that it’s already May. Next month we’ll be officially halfway through the year! Does time fly or what?! Of course, a new month means that it’s time for a new set of goals.


I won’t lie, last month was pretty rough when it came to tending to my PowerSheets goals. With my parents coming into town and me preparing to transition into a new job, there was little time left to devote to my Tending List. Although I was pretty disappointed that I wasn’t able to accomplish everything, I wanted to focus on cultivating what matters, and for me, that looked like being present with my parents and grandma while they were in town. So while I did not cross everything off my list, I had such an intentional and restful month, for in which I chose grace over guilt.


And that grace over guilt is basically my focus for May. My encouraging words for the month are that “I will hold myself to a standard of grace, not perfection. Choose grace.” I need these words for this month. The end of 2017 and beginning of 2017 has been one of the most trying seasons of my life, and I'm thankful that it is coming to an end. And although I’m grateful for a new season, each season comes with its own transition and stormy weather. Therefore, my goals for the month have been set from a standard of grace and a place of margin. So without further adieu, here are my April recap and May goals.


April Recap


  1. Spend intentional time with family. Although I had to work while my family was in town and I wish I had more time with them, I made sure that I carved time out of my schedule that was dedicated solely to them.

  2. Go on an intentional date night. With my parents being in town most of the month, we didn’t get a chance to make this happen. However, we did take my parents out a few times while they were here. With my new change in schedule this month, we’re definitely going to have to plan this out to make sure that we’re having consistent date nights.

  3. Cultivate new friendships by going on coffee and brunch dates. I usually hold onto this goal loosely since this requires me to work around others’ schedules. Due to my parents being in town, transitioning into a new job, and schedule conflicts, I wasn’t able to meet up with anyone this month. I do already have some girls dates scheduled for May though!

  4. Register for Forward Weekend. Unfortunately, I won’t be attending the Forward Experience this time around due to my new schedule. I hope to register for the next once in summer or fall.

  5. Declutter social media, email, & electronic files. This is a part of my on-going spring cleaning. I was able to unsubscribe from some newsletters, delete emails, and create folders in my personal email account. I’m still working on my last email account.

  6. Tidy up storage unit. I plan on getting this done the first week in May. I bought a bug bomb to clear out all the creepy crawlers. I have to wait a couple days for it to air out before I can go in and sweep it down.

  7. Have a social media free weekend. This social media free weekend was needed. I didn’t realize how much I needed a break, even if it was just a little one, so I ended up taking that Easter weekend when my parents were here off. I'll be blogging about my experience.

  8. Finish content for mini-course. Again, due to my family visiting, I held onto this goal loosely as well. I was able to get one more lesson done. I still have one remaining module to finish.

  9. Create new offering and consultation. This goal has been tabled for now. I just started my coaching certification, so I didn’t want to release another service while I was busy transitioning into a new job and certification program.


May Goals

Monthly Goals:


1) Intentional date night with Justin.*

May 2017 Goals | Fearfully Fashioned -- Each month I share my intentional, good goals that I've created with my PowerSheets. See how I'm fashioning my life this month. Click to read now or pin to save for later. #goalsetting #PowerSheets #FearfullyF…


2) Register for Pre-Married Life Class at church.

This goal is pending. I may or may not register because the days and times for the class might conflict with another responsibility I have. Depending on the class schedule, I may have to register in the fall.


3) Coffee and brunch dates with friends.*


4) Start Nancy Ray’s Contentment Challenge.

God has been showing me that I need to cultivate more contentment in my life. That means releasing FOMO and emotional spending and learning how to live with the concept that less is more. Therefore, I'm going to start Nancy Ray's Contentment Challenge. I don’t want to spend my life “building up treasures” here on earth. Instead, I want to actively use my resources to build God’s Kingdom and an overall stronger financial foundation. So, this month I’ll be starting a contentment challenge, which is essentially a spending freeze or fast, to focus on cultivating gratitude and contentment for the things I already have.


5) Pay federal taxes.


6) Track finances and spending.

This goal goes along with the contentment challenge. My goal is to invest back into my business, build the Kingdom, and establish financial freedom and wealth for my future family. Therefore, I’m focusing on cultivating a habit where I am actively and intentionally tracking my finances and spending to highlight more opportunities for financial growth.


7) Finish content for mini-course.*

Weekly Goals:


1) Call and connect with family and friends.*


2) Workout 3-4 times a week.*


3) Post 1-2 times a week on blog.*


4) Review metrics and finances.


5) Incorporate rest.*


6) Pray through my Val Marie Prayer Journal.

I love how the Val Marie Prayer Journal has specific prompts to cover every aspect of your prayer life. I want to make sure that I’m intentionally cultivating a deeper prayer life, so I’m setting aside time each Monday to pray through my journal.

Daily Goals:


1) Close Activity Rings*


2) Eat intuitively*


3) Drink 94 oz of water*


4) Live within means*


5) Journal/ self-care*


6) Let go!

 I need this goal as a daily reminder that I don’t need to have it all together. A huge part of my Type-A personality wants to control every aspect of my life. The Lord revealed to me that this desire for control is rooted in fear, and that every time I press for control, I’m dethroning His Lordship over my life. Therefore, I am abdicating my need to control my own life and rightly placing Him back on the throne over my life by choosing to let go.


May Books:


*= Goals from last month or recurring goals.

What are your monthly goals? Share them with me in the comments below!

Disclosure: This post contains Amazon affiliate links, meaning that if you purchase the books mentioned in this post, I will make an affiliate commission from Amazon. All products and resources I recommend have been vetted and used by me. If you decide to purchase the books, at no additional cost to you, you help support Fearfully Fashioned.


Why You Should Have A Social Media Free Weekend


How to Bounce Back By Using God's Grace