November 2017 PowerSheets Goals

November 2017 Goals | Fearfully Fashioned -- Each month I share my intentional, good goals that I've created with my PowerSheets. This month I'm taking you behind the scenes of my business. See how I'm fashioning my life this month. Click to read no…

It’s hard to believe that we are down to the final few months of the year. October was such a pivotal month for me -- I turned 24, quit my job, and started the journey of full-time entrepreneurship. Never in a million years did I think I would be winding down 2017 in this position, but God is faithful. As we enter into the holidays and the last few months of the year, I want to make sure that I’m savoring the season while finishing off the year strong. Therefore, my PowerSheets support me working from a place of rest this month. 

October Recap

1) Celebrate my birthday with intention and reflection. Yes! I had a great day. Thank you for all your birthday wishes!
2) Fall date night with Justin. This didn’t happen, but we’re planning one for this month.
3) Finish Baby Step 1. Done! Now working on the Debt Snowball.
4) Refresh the curriculum for the Fashion Your Life Group Coaching Program. Yes, but as I was working on this, the Lord gave me a new vision for carrying out this program in a new format. I’m working on a special project where everyone will have access to this program. More details to come! ;) 
5) Send out my annual survey. Completed this by the skin of my teeth on October 31st, which goes to show it's never too late to make progress on your goals! Click here to take my annual survey.
6) Prayerfully plan out 2018. Still in progress

November Goals


Monthly Goals:

1) Savor Thanksgiving with my family and Justin.

November 2017 Goals | Fearfully Fashioned -- Each month I share my intentional, good goals that I've created with my PowerSheets. This month I'm taking you behind the scenes of my business. See how I'm fashioning my life this month. Click to read no…

Since my relationship with Justin has been long distance up until about a year and a half ago, and I was in college for the majority of it, he has yet to visit my family home! I’m so thankful that our schedules and work finally allow us to take a break and go home. The holidays are my absolute favorite, so I’m basically bursting at the seams to celebrate them with him and my family.

2) Refresh personal budget.

Now that I’m full-time in my business, it’s even more important that I’m stewarding my finances well. This month, I want to refresh my budget so that I can stay on track with my personal financial goals.

3) Outline and start developing a new offering.

So much is changing within Fearfully Fashioned, and I’m so excited about the direction God is leading it. The Lord has been calling me to put other ideas and projects that were in progress on hold to start developing this special project. I don’t want to say too much now, but I will be sharing sneak peeks and details about it soon.

4) Bring on two new clients.

I just finished my coaching certification, so I’m officially a Certified Life Coach! What better way to celebrate than by challenging myself to bring on two new clients?

5) Go through the Get Clients Now Program.

This is a program I’ve done in the past but haven’t been able to commit to due to my work schedule and other commitments. Now that I’m full-time in my business, I’m excited for the opportunity to fully commit to the program and see measurable results in my business.

6) Prayerfully plan out 2018.

This goal is still in progress. Right now I’m working on finalizing some projects for the last few months of 2017 and praying about which ones I want to pursue in the New Year.

7) Read and do What’s Best Next.

This goal is still in progress as well as I plan out 2018. What’s Best Next is all about letting the Gospel drive your productivity and the way you get things done. It’s a very weighty read with equal parts theology and productivity solutions. I’m hoping to finish it before the year is out so I can implement the teachings right in time for the New Year.


Weekly Goals:

1) Call and connect with family and friends.*
2) Workout 3-4 times week.*
3) Meal plan*
4) Review budget & finances.*
5) Stick to weekly work schedule*
6) Invite someone to book a Clarity Session.

Daily Goals:

1) Read*
2) Pray over Fearfully Fashioned*
3) Success Ingredients*
4) Write down goals*
5) Stick to treatment plan*
6) Have faith


Want your own set of the PowerSheets? Cultivate What Matters just launched the 2018 PowerSheets Collection. There are still one-year goal setting planners left. Click here to view the collection and purchase your set before they sell out!

What are your monthly goals? Share them with me in the comments below!

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, meaning that if you purchase the books or other resources mentioned in this post, I will make an affiliate commission. All products and resources I recommend have been vetted and used by me. If you decide to purchase them, at no additional cost to you, you help support Fearfully Fashioned.


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